Visiting Historic Old Fort Benton

The Fort is open to the public from the
end of May through the end of September.
Visitors to the Fort will see rooms
filled with period furnishings, the
trade store with buffalo robes, beads,
trinkets, blankets and other period
trade goods, the warehouse with its fur
trade era collections, and the
blacksmith & carpenters shop. The newly
reconstructed Bourgeois House or Chief
Agents residence open for visitors. The
Bourgeois House is home to the Starr
Gallery which features Karl Bodmer's
Travels Into The Interior of North
America aquatint collection, and Robert
Scriver's No More Buffalo Collection.
Our knowledgeable staff will assist you
in your journey of discovery of the Fort
that became the most important robe
trading post on the Upper Missouri
admission fee is charged. Payment of the admission
fee entitles you to the tour of Historic Old Fort
Benton, and entry at the Museum of the Northern
Great Plains, the Museum of the Upper Missouri, and
the Upper Missouri Breaks Interpretive Center. Open
Memorial Day Weekend through September 30th 10:30 AM
to 4:30 PM - Monday through Saturday. 12:00 Noon to
4:00 PM on Sunday
Photographs and artwork within
this website may not be copied or reproduced without
written permission of the Fort Benton Restoration
Committee and the River & Plains Society.
Copyright and
reproduction rights apply.
© Fort Benton Restoration
Committee, P.O. Box 262, Fort Benton, MT 59442
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