Volunteering At Old Fort Benton
Now that the Fort is open to the public
from May through September we could use
your assistance in developing a
volunteer program to help
bring the Fort alive.
Volunteer possibilities include:
Volunteer Program
Developer, Re-enacting (portraying the
past with hands-on living history),
Craft/Skills demonstrations, and more!
One of the beauties of Old Fort Benton is that volunteers of all ages
are needed to truly reflect life at Fort
Benton during the mid-1800s. If you are
interested in helping us develop a
volunteer program or in volunteering at
Old Fort Benton, please contact us. |
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written permission of the Fort Benton Restoration
Committee and the River & Plains Society.
Copyright and
reproduction rights apply.
© Fort Benton Restoration
Committee, P.O. Box 262, Fort Benton, MT 59442
Contact Us |